Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dice Assembly Line Production (Class Project)

Our failed prototype. In the process of building a better one...documentation to come

Programming the motors

Ersi's Contribution
(just kidding, she contributed much more)
Progress has been made!!!!! The dice cube can now move across the assembly line and get pushed off into the end stage.

More updates on our assembly line production to come

Friday, May 31, 2013

Marble Sorting!

Organize it!: 
Marble Sorting!

color coding; sort by size;
 magnets to attract metal marbles;
build boxes along the top, have marbles roll over each one and "sort themselves"

Documented Photos: 

This is the basic design for our marble sorter. We begin by placing the marbles at the top. The  heavier metal marbles will be attracted the the magnets and fall into the right box as shown. The wooden marbles are light enough that they will fall into the left box, also shown. Below the first video shows an example of this.

This is our finished Marble Sorter. It does not sort by color but by size. In the second video below the process is demonstrated.

Documented Videos: